About JTV

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To pay by check, make it out to Jamestowne Village HOA and mail to:
PO Box 13685
Charleston, SC 29422
* Please write house number on your check

HOA Financial snapshot

Financial Information

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In 2001, the Jamestowne Village Homeowners Association was formed to plan and develop Jamestowne Village, a planned Unit Development (PUD). Jamestowne Village is governed by a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions. These Covenants and Restrictions are recorded in the RMC Office for Charleston County in Book F-397 at page 412.

Construction began in 2002, and through three phases, concluded with 85 homes.

In 2021, 12 homes in JTV changed owners. Average sales price was $399,000 (updated 15 Dec 21).


City of Charleston on James Island

Land Acreage

~26 Acres

Association Acreage

~6 Acres, including two ponds


Central Mailbox Station
Child PlayGround


City of Charleston CPW – Water and Sewer
Dominion SC – Electric and Gas

Charleston County School District

Harborview Elementary
Camp Road Middle School
James Island Charter High School

Electoral Districts

U.S. Congressional District 1
S.C. Senate District 41
S.C. House District 115